I’m not sure if there is any better way to spend a weekend than to fly to Northern Italy in order to watch dozens of Lamborghinis battle each other on track, but if there is then the pandemic must have erased it from my memory. The venue was the Misano race track, the cars were Lamborghini Huracan Super Trofeo EVO and the sun was shining down on it all.
As a single make racing series, the Lamborghini Super Trofeo championships attract drivers from the PRO, PRO-AM and amateur categories. Lots of gentlemen racers with deep pockets and a desire for racing in their blood, basically, but at the sharp end there are pure professionals battling it out as well. The grids are packed with lots of cars, and since each of those has a naturally aspirated 5.2 litre V10 engine this is a very good sounding event. But this trip was about much more than standing by the side of the racetrack. We were to be immersed in the world of Lamborghini, visiting the factory in Sant’Agato Bolognese and driving their Urus super SUV and brand new Huracan STO road cars as well as the digitally simulated version of the 2022 spec Huracan Super Trofeo EVO2.

So there’s a lot to get into. First up, we’d get a tour of Lamborghini’s production facility — but not before we’d had a proper Italian lunch. Which, unsurprisingly, was the best I could remember for a long time. Local specialities like Prosciutto ham with deep fried gnocchi fritti are just to die for. Probably literally if you’d eat them on a daily basis, but hey. Not having had them for about two years they tasted all the better.The factory tour itself showed us the modern environment in which Lamborghini sports cars come to life, and despite having visited quite a few factories now it’s still a magical thing to see iconic sportscars be born. I think born is the right word because they somehow appear to be much more than the sum of their individual parts once they are complete. There is no section of the production line where a “soul” is injected into the machine, yet it magically seems to have one at the end of it..